I eat a lot of fiber daily. It is part of my overall food plan (I hate the word
diet) and this past week (and now) I have been sick. Just a virus/maybe strep. So my doctor has advised me to not have fiber this week until my body heals. I agreed to cut down the fiber, but the fact is, I can't cut it out totally. So instead of eating 35-40g a day, I have had like 5-10g today.
Normal: 10g breakfast, 5-10g snack, 5g lunch, 5g snack, 5g supper, and 5g snack
After seeing the doctor yesterday, I had to go to the grocery store next door as most of the food I had at home has high fiber in it. Due to my weakness/soreness, it took me over an hour to get $36 worth of food. On top of that my blood sugar was crashing, I hadn't eaten lunch (as I had nothing to eat now that I couldn't have my spinach salad) and all I had with me was an apple. Lots of fiber in apples.
I had been planning on making and having a variety of hummuses (hummai?) this coming week but that is out of the question. I eat salads almost every day for lunch and those are out for the near future. I don't know what to eat.
I eat a lot of fresh fruit and veggies and beans in my food plan as this is a good way to eat all the fiber that I need to eat. Now I can't. I had a baked skinless apple earlier with 1T sunflower butter --yeah I know, fiber. I can't NOT eat it. I was rewarded with sick in the ladies room.
So I am at a loss as to what I can eat. Today has been hard. I feel gross and I feel that I can't eat my food. I feel logy and my carbs are over my limit. The doctor ordered me to RELAX AND EAT and it is just for a few days. I am trying to listen to her.
So that is my whinybuttness. I want to have a healthy lunch, I strive to have a healthy lunch. Know what I had for lunch? 2 slices of cheese pizza. Yeah.