So you see the empty container and the BIG PINK post-it on top? I see it too. It was SUPPOSED to be a reminder to TAKE A DAMN PICTURE of my lunch BEFORE I ate it.
I am a winner.
So in case anyone cares what yummys I ate today here we go:
30g All Bran Crackers, 2oz farmers cheese with herbs, 1/2c edamame, and 3 fish balls. Very yummy.
Finding out I was diabetic was a shock to me. I have taken the bull by the horns and cleaned up my life. Eating healthy lunches and walking everyday have allowed me to lose almost 80 pounds. This blog is a place for me to share my lunches with anyone that is interested.
At least you didn't forget it at home ;/
Oh so very true. Luckily I work in a place that is not lacking in other food choices. I can pop next door for a salad anytime I want :)
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